The ZX Spectrum Keyboard Project
Having seen a few things lately, including the Bluetooth Keyboard from Elite made to look like a Spectrum (wrongly called the Recreated Spectrum as it does nothing but act as a Bluetooth keyboard) and the Vega, a Joystick Spectrum with too few buttons, and some USB keyboards made from retro […]
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Linux Spells
On Friday I got my brand new 2 Terrabyte hard drive and started installing it. Odd things happened, the 2 Terrabyte drive was only listed as 1 terrabyte in the OS install, and when I checked it was the same in the BIOS. Looking for answers I found out that […]
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Linux: Woes and Wins
Linux, how’s that working out? I’ve been messing with Mint Linux 15 for about a week now, and to be honest it’s still got lots if ups and downs. The brilliant software manager is not so brilliant, and badly broken if the truth is told, especially when using Nvidia proprietry […]
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Linux Mint it is
So I finally decided to give Linux another chance before Windows XP gets dropped by MS next year. So far it’s been very trying, if anyone tells you Linux is ready for the normal user, they are telling lies. Configuring the Wireless network was a headache as it did wierd […]
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My Websites and my new Music Search Engine Website
Another of my many hobbies is playing with websites. A few years back I learnt enough HTML (the coding behind a website) to be a nuisance to the net at large and unleash my monstrosities on an unsuspecting public, or at least the seven or so people who have ever […]
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Not Going So Well With Chromium OS
I recently wrote here about my attempts to use a streamlined Operating System on one of my PC’s, Chromium OS experiments. Well things didn’t go as well as they could. The OS download and the install to a USB pendrive went perfectly. It was after that when things got a bit […]
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experimenting with Chromium OS builds by Hexxeh
Flow Flow is the latest in the line of Hexxehs hugely popular ChromiumOS builds. Flow is the most exciting version yet, bringing even more hardware support, an auto-updater, webcam support and an improved application menu & directory. All this, requires only a 2GB USB drive download size is 327MB via […]
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