I really do neglect this site, but as I have another blog to keep up to date with (not mine so people moan at me if it isn’t done) I should remember to update here more often (yeah right). Anyway there hasn’t been too much going on here, except a couple of months playing around with Raspberry Pi and the RetroPie images available here and there. With that in mind I recently purchased a case for one of the Rpi2 I have from Etsy.com and it is in the shape of a NES.
As you can see it is a very nice looking case, and it still gives access to all the ports and SD card slot.
Very nice design and screws together from the bottom so it is very solid.
I also bought another reminder of my mis-spent youth playing games with this Bambino UFO Blaster handheld
It’s great fun too!
That’s all for this week, I will try to post again soon.