Another of the weekly challenges I do is the Retrotech100 Arcade 20p Challenge, this is based around using 20p to score as high as possible or go as far as possible into an Arcade game. It is set at 20p because that was the cost of 2 credits back in the 80s, so we have 2 credits to score a high score, or to get furthest along in the game if it uses continues.
This week the game was Marvel Vs Capcom: Clashes of Super Heroes, a superb fighter featuring your favourite Marvel heroes and Capcoms finest brawlers (mainly from the Street Fighter franchise). As usual I suck at these games but I do enjoy a good fighting game, and like most reading this I guess, I like Marvel comics and films, so this is an enjoyable challenge.
The game is much like any Capcom fighter, think Street Fighter et al and you have a good idea what to expect, you can choose from the Marvel universe and use such characters as Spiderman, Venom, Captain America, the Hulk and others. Street Fighter fans get to choose favourites like Chun Li, and Ryu to go head to head, or alongside a Marvel character. That’s right, alongside, because in Clashes of Super Heroes you play as a tag team, able to swap between your two characters and their special moves.
In addition to two character tag team action, you also get a 3rd character added by the system who you can summon to throw a barrage of their special moves at your opponent, which adds an extra element to the gameplay. Well it does if you know what you’re doing, myself personally I am a button masher rather than a plan ahead and use tactics kinda guy, so it is more luck than judgement if this ever happens!
Overall, in my humble opinion, Marvel Vs Capcom: Clashes of Super Heroes is a great looking and very fun brawler with some excellent additions to add to your basic brawlers. It is well worth playing, and in two player mode I think this would be brilliant for passing some time with a mate. See below for our video of the challenge.